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Caring Hands Luncheon
Friday, March 01, 2024, 11:30 AM - 3:00 PM EST
Category: Events

A Celebration of Outstanding Nursing Aides

March 1, 2024 at Noon
Registration begins at 11:30 am

 Aqua Turf Club | 556 Mulberry St, Plantsville, CT 06479

This year the Caring Hands Award Ceremony is an opportunity for our members to recognize and honor a nursing aide who is special to their nursing home, home health care agency or assisted living community. The honorees are chosen by you and will be honored with a specially designed award at this luncheon ceremony.

The Caring Hands Award is a recognition of the contribution that nursing aides provide in enhancing the quality of life for older adults. The focus is on honoring those who exemplify the highest standards of compassion, commitment and excellence.

We are welcoming back our MC -  Scott Haney, WSFB Media Personality! 

Two Step Nomination and Registration Process

Step One
Nominate your nursing aide(s) by completing the nomination form and returning it to Andrea Bellofiore at [email protected] 
Don't forget to include a photo!

Not accepting nominations at this time 

Step Two
Register for a luncheon table. You can select either an 8-person or 10-person table which will include the honoree, by Friday, February 16, 2024. You no longer need to provide the names of all attendees - just the amount of people.
Online Registration & Printable Registration Form 

Caring Hands Luncheon Package Information
Each organization that nominates an honoree is committed to supporting the event and will receive the following with the purchase of a Caring Hands luncheon package:

  • A luncheon table reserved for either 8 people for $550 or 10 people for $650.
  • A specially designed award presented to the honoree (one honoree per package).
  • The opportunity to arrive early to uniquely decorate your table - but please no glitter or confetti.
  • A professional photograph of your table attendees and award presentation.

Please contact Andrea Bellofiore at [email protected] if you have any questions.